We all forge our own future thanks to the power of free will. The question is, are you making the most of this power to discover who you really are?

Free Will and the Path to Self Discovery

We were all given the gift of free will at birth.

We have the ability to make decisions that propel us in a positive direction and decisions that we regret afterward. No matter the decisions we make, free will should be used wisely. To do this effectively we need to truly know who we are.

The remarkable thing is we can use free will to better ourselves and learn more about who we are.

In this article, I’ll dive into the power of free will and how to wield it to create positive outcomes in your life. But before we go into how to use free will to your advantage, you must understand what free will is.


Understanding Free Will

Free will exists whether we choose right or wrong. It’s part of existence itself. But the ability to choose from a multitude of options isn’t exclusive to human beings.

Just as we have a choice to jump off a boat into the unknown, a dog has that very same choice to make if presented with the opportunity.

It's the outcome of our choices that matter most because that result is what propels our life into a different trajectory than that moment before the decision was made.

For example:

a woman who has been dating someone long distance may be presented with the opportunity to move and be closer to her lover. If she chooses to go, what awaits. If she chooses to stay, what will happen?

While free will gives you the ability to make these choices, it is important that you use the decisions you’ve made in the past to navigate your decisions of the future.

All of this is rooted in philosophical and psychological truths that when applied, give us the power of personal transformation. Let’s unravel all of this together, and detail how our choices, when deeply understood and intentionally made, can reshape our life's trajectory.


At the very heart of philosophical debates lies the concept of free will.

Are our choices purely ours?


are they, in some bigger way, preordained by an external force or divine plan?

This question isn’t merely academic but personal, and how we answer it for ourselves impacts how we navigate our daily lives - whether we’re aware of it or not.

By understanding free will's philosophical foundations, we become more attuned to it and are better able to appreciate its complexities and its profound influence on our lives.

The question of whether life is laid out at our feet from birth or whether we make the life we live has been debated by scholars and theologians alike. In the end, the fact remains, that for every action… there’s a reaction.

The Illusion of Limited Options


On the stage of life, we often find ourselves playing parts we haven’t chosen to play. Instead, our roles have been assigned by societal norms and expectations.

This invisible obedience, though subtle, is highly involved in decision-making. However, it’s important to note that true empowerment comes when we actively challenge and redefine these narratives. This requires conscious effort.

👉 Empowerment comes from questioning widely accepted societal beliefs, stepping out of our comfort zone, and embracing the multitude of choices that every moment offers.

When we choose to actively participate in writing our own story, life transforms from a predetermined script to an open-ended adventure novel.

And guess what… you’re the author!

The journey to understand oneself might very well be the most crucial voyage we can undertake, and the decisions we make are the oars that move us through the waters of life.


Being Self-Aware

At its core, self-awareness is the mirror that shows us our most authentic selves. No matter what you do externally, you always know who you are even if you fool the world around you.

By exploring the various facets of our personality, desires, fears, and aspirations at multiple points throughout our days, weeks, months and years, we position ourselves to make decisions that resonate deeply with the ever-changing self.

Decisions that are in harmony with our core being have the power to be profoundly transformative, guiding us into a life previously unimagined.

Those who use their gift of free will to meet the exterior persona they’ve created often find themselves in conflict with themselves. Often referred to as “living a lie”.

Being true to yourself makes your free will decisions extremely powerful and you’ll find harmony in your decisions and in your life.

Even with an understanding of free will and heightened self-awareness, there’s another layer to navigate: our internal barriers.

Fears, insecurities, and past traumas can (and often will) influence our choices without our conscious realization.

To fully activate free will, you HAVE TO acknowledge these, understand them, and eventually overcome them.

It’s a challenging process that requires a lot of dedication and work, but one that promises unparalleled freedom. By embracing self-compassion and releasing the burdens of self-judgment, free will can soar.


The Growth Mindset of Personal Evolution

Contrary to what you think right now, failures are not endpoints. They are not "wrong". Instead, think of them as invaluable lessons that guide us along the way.

In an uncertain world, adaptability becomes a vital skill. Resilience, the ability to recover and thrive amidst adversity, empowers us to face life’s challenges head-on, viewing each obstacle as a stepping stone to greater heights. The decisions that didn't turn out how we had hoped can be our greatest ally for making better choices in the future.

If you are making decisions that are true-to-self, you’ll find that obstacles are easier to overcome and fears subside. In other words, you evolve yourself into an ever-better version of the real you. I talked a lot about this in a recent podcast with Guy Macpherson, PhD from the Trauma Therapist Project.

Using Free Will With Emotional Intelligence

Recognizing, understanding, and managing our emotions allow us to make decisions that are not reactive, but informed.

Empathy lets us forge meaningful relationships and gives us insights into multiple perspectives. Enhanced communication skills, born from a deeper emotional attunement, help us to navigate conflicts and ensure that our interactions are not just heard, but understood.

All of this only adds to the interplay of internal and external harmony in our world.

A lack of emotion or emotional control can send your life on a trajectory that’s spinning out of control. Too much emotion and you’ll find yourself making decisions that please others and create turmoil within.


In an era characterized by interconnectivity, establishing personal autonomy can be a herculean task. Everywhere we turn, voices - both loud and soft - offer opinions, shaping our perceptions and influencing our decisions. The path to true freedom of self-discovery requires detachment from this noise. You have to measure everything you hear against your own beliefs and feelings. By setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, we not only preserve our well-being but also cultivate a space where decisions are authentic reflections of our true desires.

There Are No Wrong Choices, Only Opportunities

One of the profound realizations in understanding free will is recognizing the sheer magnitude of choices available to us. Some seem inconsequential, while others are life-altering. Either way, every choice carries weight… good or bad. By purposefully embracing the possibilities and taking responsibility for the outcomes, we position ourselves to advance one space or learn from the decision we make. Either way, you win!

Think about it like this - If you made nothing but bad choices your entire life, you’d likely be the wisest person on the planet as long as you learned from those decisions.

If you made nothing but great choices in life, you’d likely have perfect relationships, riches beyond belief, and an overwhelming sense of happiness. Neither of these is a bad outcome.


Making the “wrong” choice only becomes the wrong one because we measure it against what was potentially lost by not making another choice. If you turn that mindset around and don’t look at what you “lost” but instead be grateful for the lesson learned, you’ll find peace in that decision.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Understanding free will and self-discovery isn’t an endpoint but a launchpad.

Armed with insights, the next step is to act.

And you should start today!

To do this, set meaningful goals that resonate with your core values and diligently work towards them. Free will becomes the compass, while your dedication is the wind propelling you forward.

With each milestone achieved and each challenge overcome, you’ll not only move closer to your aspirations but also grow to deeply appreciate the adventure of life itself.

The Free Will Cheat Sheet

  1. Always challenge societal norms and create your own narrative.
  2. Dedicate time every day for introspection and regularly revisit and refine your self-awareness.
  3. Recognize and address internal barriers to liberate free will.
  4. Be adaptable! View every challenge as a growth opportunity.
  5. Prioritize emotional intelligence, both introspectively and in relationships.
  6. Establish personal boundaries, safeguarding autonomy.
  7. Embrace choices.
  8. Be responsible for the outcome.
  9. Treat every outcome as a positive result whether you gained something great or learned a valuable lesson.

In conclusion,

Remember, you are the author of your own story. You can write it however you want. If you look at your life from a birds-eye-view and you’re not happy, make the decision to turn it around. Sure, there are some unknowns and you’ll likely make more than one choice along the way that you weren’t pleased with,

But in the end…

You’ll be on the road to a more powerful, thoughtful, better version of yourself that you never thought imaginable. Go get it!